投资的价值及来自投资的收益可升可跌,投资者可能无法取回所投资的全数本金。过往表现并非日后表现的指标。 *敬请留意,此页内容为安本全球的投资能力介绍。所载资料所提到的一些投资尚未在安本经营的所有司法管辖区获得授权。
Our vision for a digital future
New technologies will change the way we invest as well as bring the benefits of investing to more people. Distributed ledger technology (DLT) – a secure way of recording information, such as ownership details, in a decentralised computer network – will be the foundation of a new financial infrastructure.
Over the next decade almost all investments could be converted into digital assets using DLT. This will bring exciting benefits including: faster, safer and cheaper ‘on chain’ trading and settlement; more efficient private markets; assets that are split up into more affordable units – making investments more accessible.
Investing in the future, right now
Our digital conviction