Aviso de risco
Antes de investir, os investidores devem avaliar cuidadosamente o objetivo de investimento, os riscos, os custos e as despesas de um fundo. Essas informações e outras informações importantes encontram-se no prospeto e no documento de informações fundamentais destinadas aos investidores (KIID).
Active futurists
In thematic investing, we focus on the future. Conducting forward-looking analysis of economic, industry, technology and company trends to find the most compelling themes of tomorrow. Then we use all our skill, experience and resources to seek out the companies that will be the biggest winners from these themes.
By actively seeking out the themes redefining our world, we aim to put our clients on a path to stronger returns. At the same time, we look to put our portfolios at the heart of transformational, positive change.
By actively seeking out the themes redefining our world, we aim to put our clients on a path to stronger returns. At the same time, we look to put our portfolios at the heart of transformational, positive change.
360 insight
Finding the best companies that embody the most important themes of the future requires a rounded perspective and outstanding research capabilities.
We think this is one of our core strengths – our nearly 300 professional investors across the world are experts in their fields who are fully equipped and empowered to seek out the best investment opportunities for our clients.
We think this is one of our core strengths – our nearly 300 professional investors across the world are experts in their fields who are fully equipped and empowered to seek out the best investment opportunities for our clients.
Creating connectivity
We have found that uncovering true insights and investment value in today’s increasingly complex world is best served by a collaborative and connected approach. Discovering future transformative trends calls for multiple inputs and encouraging debate.
We actively share insights across asset classes and collaborate with academia and external experts. We believe the diversity of our research, coupled with rigorous peer reviewing and interrogation, leads to improved insights and better investing.
We actively share insights across asset classes and collaborate with academia and external experts. We believe the diversity of our research, coupled with rigorous peer reviewing and interrogation, leads to improved insights and better investing.