Aviso de risco
Antes de investir, os investidores devem avaliar cuidadosamente o objetivo de investimento, os riscos, os custos e as despesas de um fundo. Essas informações e outras informações importantes encontram-se no prospeto e no documento de informações fundamentais destinadas aos investidores (KIID).
Our vision for a digital future
New technologies will change the way we invest as well as bring the benefits of investing to more people. Distributed ledger technology (DLT) – a secure way of recording information, such as ownership details, in a decentralised computer network – will be the foundation of a new financial infrastructure.
Over the next decade almost all investments could be converted into digital assets using DLT. This will bring exciting benefits including: faster, safer and cheaper ‘on chain’ trading and settlement; more efficient private markets; assets that are split up into more affordable units – making investments more accessible.
Investing in the future, right now
Our digital conviction