Aviso de risco
Antes de investir, os investidores devem avaliar cuidadosamente o objetivo de investimento, os riscos, os custos e as despesas de um fundo. Essas informações e outras informações importantes encontram-se no prospecto e no documento de informações fundamentais destinadas aos investidores (KIID).
Our approach
Focused on you
Connecting diverse perspectives
Our solutions
We understand that major investors increasingly have needs that go beyond just financial returns. From pension funds needing to match income streams to liabilities, to insurance companies navigating regulatory capital constraints, to wealth managers wanting to digitise their client offerings, many organisations need expertise that can help deliver robust and multi-faceted outcomes.
Aberdeen Solutions seeks to deliver exceptional outcomes by drawing on the full range of investment, technology, operational, governance, legal, consultancy and research capabilities across the whole of Aberdeen.
Our insurance solutions team partners with insurers to design and implement tailored investments. We can help with optimising asset allocations for regulatory capital constraints, enhanced asset-liability management, and specific environmental, social and governance objectives.
Our pension solutions team partners with defined-benefit (DB) and defined-contribution (DC) schemes to help them achieve their investment goals. We can help DB schemes with liability protection, cashflow management, strategic asset allocation and risk mitigation. We can also design, build and manage bespoke DC default investment solutions and lifestyle strategies.
Our wealthtech solutions team works with partners globally, including banks, wealth managers and family offices. We use our global reach and expertise to design and deliver innovative wealth technology and investment solutions. We tailor the experience to our clients’ needs and desired outcomes.
How can Aberdeen solutions help you? - video