Source: Mercer FundWatch, April 2024
Invest in 4 key investment themes
Food & Beverages
Rising consumption velocity fuels the growth of the F&B sector. Sales momentum for both domestic and foreign companies has been exceptional, particularly for several well-known brands.
Health & Beauty
Healthcare related business benefits from the aging society especially the aesthetic medicine market that experiences significant growth in Thailand. The recovery of medical tourism is another driving factor for growth.
IT Solutions
Digital transformation demand resumes after muted years of no fiscal disbursements. Rising awareness of digital economy, cybersecurity, online platforms, and integrated IT solutions. Virtual banks are also catalyst.
Global supply chain diversification
Thailand is key beneficiary of relocation trend of foreign direct investment, driven by ongoing geopolitical issue and Thai government’s supportive investment promotion policies.
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Company insights leading to better outcomes
High quality research
Fundamental investment understanding underpins our research
- ESG considerations integrated into investment approach
- Extensive in house and third party resource and experience
- In depth company, sector, industry and thematic research
Connected teams
Working together we deliver better investment results and innovation
- Specialised ESG Analyst for every regional team
- Centralised ESG team supporting all asset classes
- Collaboration with abrdn’s Research Institute, Credit, Private Markets and Multi-Asset teams
Active corporate engagement
Stewardship is a fundamental component of our investment process
- Active, engaged and responsible stewards of our clients’ money
- Active owners engaging and voting to drive positive changes in corporate behaviour
- Undertake informed and constructive engagement to improve performance
Positive outcomes
Delivering better risk adjusted returns
- Holistic insights enhance investment decision-making
- Management engagement improves corporate performance for clients and the wider society
Available shareclasses and benefits
*ABSM means ABSM-M which consists of two share classes: ABSM and ABSM-SSF.
ABSM-RMF has the same investment model as ABSM.
Our distributors
Being investment professionals, we aim to have our funds objectively marketed by other service providers. Aberdeen Asset Management (Thailand) Limited's funds are available from a range of distributors including e-platforms, banks, insurance, financial advisers and brokerages. if you would like to invest or require financial advice please get in touch with one of these distributors.
Investment terms and conditions apply for each distributor.
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