Forty years' investing in emerging markets debt
We’ve been investing in emerging markets debt (EMD) for over 40 years. During this time, we’ve built a highly experienced team of over 50 fixed income professionals dedicated to EMD. The team spans the globe, with offices in London, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Bangkok, Sydney, Kuala Lumpur and Abu Dhabi. They have the on-the-ground resources and expertise to deliver first-hand insights across bond markets, sectors, issuers – and the full credit spectrum.
Seeking to drive positive change
We have considerable local expertise across emerging markets. This includes a team of Mandarin-speaking investment professionals dedicated to China – giving us an invaluable window into this vital market. We also have experience investing in fast-growing Frontier Markets, at both the corporate and sovereign level. All these factors combined mean we can put our clients at the heart of some of the most compelling opportunities EMD has to offer.
Offering compelling investment opportunities
We analyse ESG risks and opportunities in every company and sovereign we cover. On-desk regional ESG specialists, supported by Aberdeen’s central ESG team, provide insight on ESG themes and sectors within local markets. We believe this helps us deliver EM solutions that target long-term positive outcomes for investors. We’ve also created the Aberdeen Asia Pacific Sustainability Institute – a centre of excellence and innovation dedicated to all aspects of sustainable investing.