Homing in on the UK’s build-to-rent sector
How can the build-to-rent sector ease the UK’s housing problems? Read more about our views.
Be at the heart of real estate opportunity (1:49 min watch)
The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up and an investor may get back less than the amount invested. Past performance is not a guide to future results.
Visit our fund centre to see all the funds we offer, or take a look at our focus fund below. Click on each fund to find out more about its objectives, past performance, and to access key literature.
With over 30,000 homes in our portfolios, we’re one of Europe’s largest residential managers. We invest in a range of opportunities from the private-rented sector to senior living and student accommodation.
The second-largest logistics landlord in Europe (abrdn, March 2024), we work with our logistics infrastructure investment partner Tritax, focusing on modern units with strong environmental, social and governance credentials.
Guided by the abrdn House View and supported by our local market presence, we have a long track record of managing single and multi-country diversified strategies.
Is your client looking for a liquid real estate investment? We're well-established managers of listed real estate and other indirect strategies.
Backed by solid bricks and mortar, commercial real estate debt investments can help clients diversify their cashflows and target attractive yields. We have over a decade’s experience in this area.
We manage bespoke mandates and segregated funds for investors with specific real estate requirements. These may be geography, sector, or style-specific.
Find our latest detailed documents and fund materials here.
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