MyFolio SAA Changes: Enhancing diversification and managing risk
Read about our Strategic Asset Allocation review and our investment priorities.
The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up and an investor may get back less than the amount invested. Past performance is not a guide to future results.
With MyFolio, you can choose from a number of different investment styles. For a full explanation of risks and the overall risk profile of these funds and the shareclasses within it, please refer to the Key Investor Information Documents and Prospectus. Please note that the number contained in the fund name is not related to the synthetic risk and reward indicator contained in the Key Investor Information document.
Invests mainly in passive funds managed by abrdn and is the lowest cost option.
Invests mainly in passive and enhanced passive funds and is a relatively low cost option.
Invest mainly in passive funds from a range of managers and is a cost effective option.
Invests in active and passive with a sustainable focus and a reasonable cost.
Invest mainly in active funds run by abrdn at a reasonable cost.
Invest in active fund from a range of managers at a reasonable cost.
There are five MyFolio risk levels for each of the fund ranges, providing ample choice to meet the risk preferences of the majority of your clients, in a simple-to-understand format.
Hear from MyFolio Fund Managers on the Investment Process.
There is a wide range of useful guides and reports for all the MyFolio fund ranges, including support to share directly with your clients.