Risk warning
The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up and an investor may get back less than the amount invested. Past performance is not a guide to future results.
The challenge
The investment and governance landscape is more complex than ever for universities and colleges. Institutions face the challenge of protecting the real value of assets in an environment of volatile returns and higher inflation. At the same time, there's significant focus on creating positive and measurable environmental and social impact through investment, going beyond the traditional exclusion-based approach to responsible investing and impact investing.
Proven focus on sustainability
We believe it's possible for institutions to meet their sustainability objectives in investment without sacrificing a diversified and attractive opportunity set. Through active engagement and stewardship we have built a strong track record of delivering more sustainable outcomes across asset classes in both public and private markets.
Our value proposition
As an experienced partner for the education sector, we provide a full spectrum of capabilities – from bespoke segregated solutions to a broad array of individual funds. In doing so, we help institutions to meet their specific investment objectives, including long-term growth, income generation, liquidity management, and social or environmental impact alongside financial returns.
Capabilities in focus
Liquidity solutions
We offer a suite of liquidity products to meet your cash flow requirements with a primary focus on capital preservation, while also seeking to deliver competitive returns.
For all our clients, including universities and colleges, we aim to provide a clear, transparent and industry-leading approach to sustainability in the investment process.
Our principles – how we invest sustainably
Embed ESG factors
Focus on client outcomes
Leverage our influence
Be active stewards
Additional capabilities
Active Equities
Active equity investing can deliver real benefits for investors, the environment and society. We look to uncover the best investment opportunities through intensive, first-hand research and a disciplined process.
Fixed Income
Today’s fixed income markets offer a wealth of ways to meet investors' needs for income, capital preservation and risk diversification. From developed to emerging markets, sovereign bonds to high-yield debt.
Defined Benefit Pension Schemes
With our breadth of investment expertise, tailored solutions, and a focus on ESG, we work in partnership with our DB clients to help them achieve thier long-term objectives.
Blending a broad range of asset classes to target your risk-reward requirements.
A valuable source of potential returns, portfolio diversification and managing downside risk.
Funds in focus
For investors looking to directly access pooled and segregated investment funds, we offer a broad array of strategies across the key asset classes with a strong focus on sustainable outcomes.
Key documents
Contact Us
If you would like to get in touch with a member of the UK Institutional team please email us ukinstitutionalall@aberdeenplc.com or complete our contact form below.
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