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We unravel the UK government’s Spring Statement for new clues on the health of the economy. From welfare-spending cuts to market reactions, find out more.
The government has restored its headroom against the fiscal rules via spending and welfare cuts. However, the UK fiscal position is still very vulnerable to domestic and international shocks to growth and interest rates. Meanwhile, structural demands on government spending are likely to increase, and the political appetite for further spending restraint is limited. So eventual tax increases remain likely.
How may US policy uncertainty impact the global economy? Discover key trends shaping the new world order. Read our latest insights.
How could potential US tariffs and increased regional spending reshape the Eurozone's economy? Watch Lizzy Galbraith's analysis in our latest video.
Listen to the latest episode of Macro Bytes where we discuss whether the US economic is heading for a recession under President Trump amid elevated uncertainty, federal job cuts, and higher tariffs.