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On the latest episode of “The Voice, The View” podcast, Vivian Tang and Martin Barnewell discuss their views on private credit investment-grade opportunities while highlighting the growth of the asset class since the 2008 financial crisis.
A look at how the race for the White House and Federal Reserve interest rate cuts will significantly impact emerging markets. We explore potential scenarios and their effects on emerging market debt.
A look into the future of infrastructure investing and how data infrastructure, an increase in energy demands, and demographic shifts could revolutionize investment portfolios.
In our latest Investment Outlook series for Q4 2024, we provide our latest house view, scenarios around the US presidential election, and topical perspectives from our asset class experts.
Indian stocks are hot right now. But is the market overly optimistic? Are current prices sustainable? Here are four reasons why we believe valuations can be justified.
We explore why bonds may be coming back, how bond market dynamics are shifting, and what it means for investors.
Highlighting the value of pick-and-shovel investing in Asia’s tech sector, urging investors to focus on smaller, lesser-known tech enablers rather than just large companies.
We discuss how China’s recent easing measures and the US Federal Reserve’s rate cuts are shaping the landscape of emerging market debt, offering both challenges and opportunities for investors.
Deputy Chief Economist James McCann joins hosts Paul Diggle to discuss the nature of “Globalization 3.0”, and what it means for the economic outlook and financial markets.
Why the “true” stance of monetary policy depends on where policy interest rates sit relative to an estimate of the equilibrium rate of interest.
A look at how Emerging Asia economies – and Mexico – are benefiting from a shift in global supply chains.
The traditional trade engine has stalled, but other aspects of global integration continue to deepen. However, this “Globalization 3.0” is threatened by a hostile political backdrop.
Why increasingly frequent negative supply shocks may mean the global economy has entered a new regime of structurally higher inflation volatility.
On our latest Macro Bytes podcast abrdn's economists discuss the use of scenario analysis to help navigate uncertainty.
In our latest Macro Bytes podcast, abrdn's economists discuss the outlook for monetary policy in Japan and the US.
With the end in sight for central banks’ inflation fight, Paul Diggle asks whether the last mile will prove the most difficult while weighing in on how different economic scenarios may unfold.